Lego Star Wars expert @Powerofthebrick featured on BBC Television.
Fanatical Lego addict and acclaimed Lego expert plus renowned collector of Star Wars minifigures @Powerofthebrick was featured on BBC Television October 2017 discussing his collection and the evolution of Pop Culture collectables into valuable antiques of the future on the Antiques Roadshow.
Yes, that’s right! Check out the video to see me teaching the BBC antiques experts a few things about collectable Lego Star Wars minifigures. Mark Hill was a great sport and totally got the importance of modern pop culture collectables in the antiques market of the future. It’s not all Picasso’s and fine china, Lego has its place and the value of collections of licenced Lego minifigs is set to rise exponentially.
Classic Quote:
Princess Leia: I don’t know where you get your delusions, laser brain.
[Chewbacca laughs]
Han Solo: Laugh it up, fuzzball.
We actually shot this a while ago in the University of London’s beautiful art deco Senate House. The place was packed with people carrying suspicious looking bags and even weapons to be valued by the BBC antiques experts. I can definitely say that my Lego Star Wars minifig collection was the strangest thing to turn up on the desk of BBC Collectables and 20th Century Design expert Mark Hill. Lucky for me he recognised the importance of the collection and was keen to interview us to find out a bit more about it and to pick my brains on the details and values of Star Wars Lego minifigures.
BBC Antiques Roadshow features Lego Star Wars! is a showcase for @Powerofthebrick’s collection and a resource for collectors all over the world where he shares his expertise and tips for fellow Lego collectors. Say Hi to @Powerofthebrick here and follow on Twitter and Facebook for regular reviews of Lego minifigures, collectables and new Lego products!
Need a Lego expert for interview or comment? Need help sourcing minifigures for a collection or advice identifying your minifigures?
Get in touch via Contact Us, @powerofthebrick or and he will be happy to lend you his expertise. If you are a fellow Lego fanatic and would like to contribute to the Blog get in touch for more information, knowledgeable Lego bloggers are welcome!
Watch more of our exclusive Power of the brick LEGO Star Wars Minifigure Collector Series review videos here read our minifig reviews here and tweet us @Powerofthebrick with any questions about collectable LEGO Star Wars Minifigs!