LEGO Star Wars Minifigure Collection – Palpatine 10188

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Palpatine LEGO Minifig from set 10188 Death Star

Watch the video for more detailed collector info. This LEGO Star Wars minifigure is the modern update of this terrifying character and comes from LEGO set 10188 released in 2008. Apart from Darth Vader this is the most significant LEGO Star Wars minifigure from the dark side! His eyes glow with evil, his face is twisted and scarred by the power he wields and jagged blue rays of dark force shoot from his gnarled hands… Phew, I am sweating a little just looking at him.

Classic Quote:

The Emperor: I’m looking forward to completing your training. In time you will call *me* master.
Luke: You’re gravely mistaken. You won’t convert me as you did my father.
The Emperor: Oh no, my young Jedi. You will find that it is you who are mistaken, about a great many things.

LEGO Star Wars Set 10188

LEGO Star Wars set 10188 Death Star is a Lego Star Wars classic. Wow it is a beast, with 3803 pieces, 24 minifigures and standing 59cm tall Lego set 10188 is the size of a small moon!
Palpatine 10188 minifigure Lego star wars minifig minifigs minifigures mini figures mini figure power of the brick powerofthebrick collection collector collecting review reviews rare

LEGO Minifigure Rarity Score

We have given this LEGO Star Wars Palpatine minifigure a 5/10 for scarcity as he came in two sets, 10188 and 8096 so is not hard to find.

Palpatine 10188 minifigure Lego star wars minifig minifigs minifigures mini figures mini figure power of the brick powerofthebrick collection collector collecting review reviews rare

Watch more of our exclusive Power of the brick LEGO Star Wars Minifigure Collector Series videos here read our minifig reviews here and tweet us @Powerofthebrick with any questions about collectable LEGO Star Wars Minifigs!